Samples Policy

From time to time, we may work with brands, products or companies to create “sponsored” content – that is, a blog post, podcast episode, recipe or other content that has been sponsored by the brand. We will do our best to always disclose when a piece of content has been sponsored.

We do welcome product samples, but the following applies:

  • We may or may not use sampled products in our content. This is completely at our own discretion.
  • We will do our best to disclose when a referenced product has been provided for free.*
  • We will always discuss products (whether samples or otherwise) in an honest and unbiased way. If we like it, we’ll tell you that. If we don’t like it, we will either choose not to mention it, or we will review it honestly.
  • Sending us product free sample in NO way guarantees coverage and ESPECIALLY does not guarantee positive coverage.

*While it can be difficult to keep track of every sample we have received, (especially if it was received a long time ago), we will make all reasonable attempts to fully and completely disclose this information in all of our content.

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